1:What is the role of the Maori now a days?
Maori who have seats in the parliament sense are there to see that Maori rights are a heard to and that their say is taken into account when passing laws or bills. Making sure that systems have been followed and always consulted when dealing with Maori land issues, certain parts of New Zealand is still ones by Maori tribes and the government has to have discussions roads/ buildings etc are to be nears this land. .
Maori in the public sector are only given the same rights as all other New Zealand citizens
2: What are the special events/holidays in New Zealand?
Waitangi day – 6th February, this is to mark the signing of the treaty of Waitangi, Waitangi is a place in New Zealand where the document was signed. The treaty is a joint ownership of the Land between New Zealand and the queen of England also outlining that we are a part of the commonwealth but are a country who governs themselves.
Easter, Labor Day where the people in the labor force are recognized and everyone is given a paid day off, Christmas, New Years and then just provincial holidays –when a city was established
3:What is New Zealand famous for?
Rugby – All Blacks, Being Clean Green Country , Tourism- Skiing, Water rafting, Whale watching, camping, tramping and wine tasting.
Pavalovar - dessert , Vegemite , Kiwi fruit, Sheep and the kiwi bird.
Exporting of Meats- Beef, Lamb bluff oysters
4: Are there any local food only found in New Zealand
Not that I can think of sorry