My Favorite brand udon(Japanese noodle)
This Particular brand of udon is my favourite. I found this brand in a restaurant I always go, they have this delicious udon noodle and I asked them what is its name.
Some background information of udon, it is made with flour and water, it is really popular in Japan, it is usually companied with a simple soup, to increase the flavour of the flour.
This udon is already cooked and is frozen udon unlike the raw udon normally found in super markets. You would have to place it in the kitchen until it is in room temperature so that it can heat up faster.
This brand of udon is good as it is really flexible, I can’t really bite the udon off. So I will have to eat the whole line of udon. It also has a unique wheat flavor in it.
It is one of my favourite food to eat when I am hungry, as I don’t want to eat instant noodles, as it is not healthy.
Score: 8.5/10
